Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) Sizing Tool

Source - https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Advanced-Threat-Analytics-7371c87f

This utility helps evaluate the overall network traffic on the domain controllers that ATA should monitor. In addition, the tool evaluates their CPU and memory resources for possible Lightweight Gateway deployments.

Before running the utility on a domain member machine please make sure you have .net 4.5.2 or later installed.

Choose which domain controllers the tool remotely evaluates using one of the following command line parameters:

-DomainFQDN=<Domain FQDN>
Evaluates all the domain controllers in the specified domain.

-InputDCListFile=<File path>
Evaluates all the domain controllers in the specified file (each domain controller is presented on a separate line).


Evaluates all the domain controllers in the domain of the user running the tool.

Evaluates all the domain controllers in the domain of the computer running the tool.


Evaluates all the domain controllers in the entire forest.

Read more and download at source - https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Advanced-Threat-Analytics-7371c87f


The sizing tool URL has changed to: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Advanced-Threat-Analytics-03e1339f

Thanks Benny. Appreciate that.

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